According to the NIH, alcohol metabolism in the liver happens in two major steps:
1. Alcohol + ADH (Alcohol Dehydrogenase) = Acetaldehyde
2. Acetaldehyde + ALDH (Aldehyde Dehydrogenase) = Acetic Acid
You don’t have to be a chemistry major to learn a few things from this information...
1. Alcohol or ethanol is the beer, wine, liquor, or whatever you drank
2. The end result, Acetic Acid is a harmless, vinegar-like and inert byproduct that can be used for energy.
It’s what happens in-between that really matters.
ADH and ALDH are the specific liver enzymes that allow us to take poisonous ethanol or alcohol and turn it into harmless acetic acid.
The more liver enzymes you have and the more active they are, the faster this process can happen.
So, what is Acetaldehyde?
Here’s a quick hint: it goes by the nickname the “Hangover Toxin”.
According to Scientific American:
“That dreadful feeling the next day is the condition often called a hangover, which the journal of Alcohol and Alcoholism characterizes as ‘general misery’ with symptoms of drowsiness, concentration problems, dry mouth, dizziness, gastrointestinal complaints, sweating, nausea, hyperexcitability and anxiety. Most of these symptoms have been linked to elevated levels of acetaldehyde.”
And, what are the symptoms of acetaldehyde toxicity?
Here’s what Smithsonian Magazine has to say…
“As the body processes alcohol, acetaldehyde is the very first byproduct, and it’s estimated to be between 10 and 30 times as toxic as alcohol itself. In controlled studies, it’s been found to cause symptoms such as sweating, skin flushing, nausea and vomiting.”
Ding. Ding. Ding. Sound like a hangover to you?
See what your body did there? It’s pretty stupid actually. Your body takes mildly toxic alcohol/ethanol and turns it into SUPER TOXIC acetaldehyde. Then it turns that into harmless vinegar you can use for energy.
It’s just how our bodies work.
Your body’s ability to break down acetaldehyde into harmless vinegar is limited by the number and activity of your ADH and ALDH liver enzymes.
Those genetic freaks who never get hangovers probably have very high levels of these enzymes. (Problem is they may be doing damage to their liver without knowing it)
When this awful “Hangover Toxin” chemical lingers around in your body it damages your DNA and cells and generally just makes you feel terrible. And you will not feel better until your body has enough time to regenerate the enzymes required to filter excess toxins out of your blood.
All of that crap is literally “hanging” over and sticking around like an unwanted guest until your body has the resources to handle it.
Only guests can be checked into a hotel down the street. Acetaldehyde is like an evil Poltergeist spirit haunting your entire body!
That’s why truly nothing but time and rest can “cure” a hangover.
And if for some reason you’re still not convinced that acetaldehyde is the primary root cause of the hangover, here are a few more notable publications that agree…
Chemistry World
University of Southern California
Now that we know the REAL root cause of the problem, we can take a scientific approach to fixing it. You are so close to learning the secret, so hang tight just a few moments more!
Now that we know it’s the “Hangover Toxin” Acetaldehyde that is the root cause of the worst of alcohol’s after effects, all we need to do is find a way to enhance our liver enzymes to speed up the removal of that specific deadly toxin.
Ready for the “Aha!” moment?
One particular natural extract (sourced from berries and tea leaves) increases liver enzymes and activity at both steps of alcohol metabolism. This allows you to breakdown the hangover toxin faster and help avoid the misery.
Herbal traditional medicine has known this for centuries – probably more like millennia, but the hard science is now confirming what Far Eastern tradition already knew. And they have identified the active ingredients and proven that they really work.
Again, it’s science, not magic.
According to the NIH…
“A standardized extract of Hovenia dulcis alleviated alcohol-induced hangover in healthy subjects with heterozygous ALDH2: A randomized, controlled, crossover trial”
Sifting through the “science speak”, the results suggest that a favorable effect of the Hovenia dulcis extract on alcohol hangovers seems to come from many factors, one of which is an increase in the breakdown of both alcohol and Acetaldehyde.
Meaning that both of the two steps of alcohol metabolism are being sped up by enhancing the number and activity of the liver enzymes required for the process.
Basically, the subjects were given a bunch of Soju (plum wine) and blood alcohol, acetaldehyde and total hangover scores were highest at one hour post-treatment – meaning the drinks plus the extract or placebo – but declines in hangover symptom scores were significant in the Hovenia dulcis group compared to the placebo group.
The active ingredient in that extract is known as DHM, which stands for Dihydromyricetin.
And not only was DHM proven safe in multiple studies…
According to…
DHM has been shown to be anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor, hepato-protective, anti-hypertensive, favorable for plasma lipids and blood glucose, a potent antioxidant and neuro-protective.
More benefits from the NIH’s publication “Dihydromyricetin As a Novel Anti-Alcohol Intoxication Medication” says…
“DHM may help counteract the effects of alcohol, including withdrawal symptoms and impacts the negative effects on GABA receptors.”
GABA receptors are involved in getting restful sleep. That’s why when you drink alcohol, you can sleep forever and still wake up tired. And DHM reverses this, helping to get deeper and more restful sleep for better recovery.
This is further reenforced by another NIH article titled “The Versatile Effects of Dihydromyricetin in Health”
Not to mention a study supported by the National Natural Science Fund was titled “Dihydrodmyricetin induces apoptosis and inhibits proliferation in hepatocellular carcinoma cells”
So… the study reveals that DHM helps kill cancerous liver cells while protecting and preserving the healthy ones.
In one of the most impressive DHM studies to date, The University of California conducted a study, which was analyzed in the article “Noted Hangover Remedy Has Added Benefit of Protecting the Liver”:
“According to a new USC Study, dihydromyricetin – an over-the-counter herbal hangover cure – may also help people cope with alcoholism and liver damage.”
Now, this is where we get to the really impressive part. Not only can you avoid the immediate negative aftereffects of alcohol but, you can also enhance overall health and protect your body and liver in the process!
A few notable highlights of what DHM can do:
- Cause profound changes that protect the liver and prevent alcohol-related harm
- Trigger the liver to increase ethanol-gobbling enzymes, including alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) and acetaldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH)
- Boost efficiency of ADH and ALDH liver enzymes so they can eliminate the toxins from alcohol faster
- Reduce fat accumulation in the liver – also known as fatty liver disease, which can lead to cirrhosis
- Decrease inflammatory cytokines, chemicals that contribute to cell damage in the liver and other organs.
Jing Liang, a research professor of clinical pharmacy and an author of the study goes on to say…
“We know DHM helps the body to metabolize alcohol faster, but how does it work? We found it activates a cascade of mechanisms that erase alcohol from the body very quickly.”
And don’t worry, even though it helps you eliminate toxins as you drink, you absolutely will still get “tipsy”. We want to eliminate the negative effects of alcohol and keep the “good” ones. And that’s exactly what this does.
With all of this impressive clinical research and the admitted safety of DHM, why would THEY not want you to know about it?
Even the FDA considers Hovenia dulcis (a primary source of DHM) to be “GRAS” or “Generally Recognized as Safe”
However, it’s more than safe. As you have seen above, it’s actually beneficial to your liver and your body whether or not you ever take a sip of alcohol.
And having seen what you have seen, you’d almost be crazy not to take this amazing extract, if you do choose to enjoy some alcohol from time to time.
And… Clinically dosed DHM is only one part of our 3-Stage D-R-P hangover solution.
Now that you know you have an alternative, why would you take the Over-The-Counter drugs on the market, which might even do more harm than good.
For one, we know that you should never take Tylenol or acetaminophen while drinking, which can seriously damage your liver.
However, recent studies show that chronic usage of many OTC pain killers can have damaging effects on your liver, kidney and other organs.
According to the Mayo Clinic…
“Nonprescription pain relievers such as acetaminophen (Tylenol, others), aspirin, ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, IB, others) and naproxen (Aleve, others) can damage your liver, especially if taken frequently or combined with alcohol.”
Even some natural remedies could possibly make your hangover worse. Notice how DHM enhances both liver enzymes needed for alcohol metabolism? That’s important because imagine what happens if you enhance only the first step, turning alcohol into acetaldehyde…?
And not the second step as well, where the far more toxic acetaldehyde turns into harmless and inert acetic acid…?
The end result would be a net increase in the “hangover toxin” acetaldehyde.
Meaning an even worse hangover.
Not. What. You. Want. Obviously.
That's plenty for today. We know what actually causes the worst side effects of the hangover. And we're starting to get an idea of what we can do about it.
In secret #4, we will smash through all the barriers preventing you from enjoying alcohol without hangovers.
Every darn time.