How to Use Intox-Detox?
How to Take Intox-Detox for Best Results?
So, you just received your order or free sample of Intox-Detox. Awesome. Welcome to the family. We love our customers and will quite literally do just about ANYTHING for you.
We like to use the slogan Liver Strong. What do we mean by "LIVERSTRONG"?
Intox-Detox is clinically-proven to protect your liver and help avoid the misery of the next morning when you enjoy a few drinks responsibly.
Just like any tool, it won't work if you use it the wrong way. Think of a screwdriver. How effective would it be if you held it backwards?
A few guidelines for getting the most out of Intox-Detox...
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Tips for Using Intox-Detox
1. Take it with your first or second drink. Our amazing herbal ingredients help you eliminate the toxins faster as you drink. No, it will not make you run to the bathroom. It works at the liver level to metabolize alcohol just a little faster and get the poison out of your system. Yes, you will still get tipsy!
2. One pack of Intox-Detox is good for about 5 or 6 strong drinks. (Of course results will vary from person to person, but this is the average) Think high gravity beer, like a 10% imperial stout. Or extra dry martinis. If you are going to drink more than that, you probably need another pack. So don't get crazy on your test run. Have fun, but don't cripple yourself. Intox-Detox is dose dependent, meaning the more you drink, the more you need to take. It's science, not magic. If you are on vacation in Mexico, sipping margaritas on the beach all day, you should take a pack of Intox-Detox every 5 or 6 drinks or every 5 or 6 hours, whichever comes first. If you do this, it will work like a dream. If you binge drink and expect a miracle, you will be disappointed. Just being honest.
3. The more frequently you take Intox-Detox, the better it works. Don't get me wrong; it works amazing the very first time you take it, if you follow my tips. But the top two ingredients work even better if you take them more frequently.
Click here to read my top article about what else you can do to avoid hangovers, besides taking Intox-Detox
Remember to stay safe. Drink responsibly. And always get a sober ride home.
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Stay #liverstrong!